Hyssop, a plant health and beauty at once. Hyssop, also called “HIOP” is part of the family Labiatae.
Hyssop is an aromatic sub-shrub with many stems erect, woody at the base form clumps 20 to 60 cm high. The elliptical leaves and very close to the rod, measuring 1.5 cm in length.

  • Usually dark green, sometimes they can be hairy and whitish.
  • The tubular flowers with two lips, bright blue and about 1 cm, appear from July to September.
  • They are united in a terminal spike atop leafy stems.
  • They are all facing the same side.
  • The whole plant emits a strong aromatic odor and has a slightly bitter flavor of camphor.

Where does one find hyssop?

Hyssop grows wild in chalky soil fairly rich in humus and well drained Mediterranean to Central Asia. In France, she believes in the Southern Alps and the Southwest. Hardy and easy to grow, it grows in beds exposed to the sun, in many French gardens.

What is action?

The properties of hyssop are numerous:

  • Astringent, Balsamic, Béchique, carminative, blood purifying, diuretic, expectorant, resolvent, stomachic and tonic.
  • Stomachic and tonic properties of hyssop are comparable to those of thyme, savory and rosemary , other plants of the Labiatae family.
  • It is used in the digestive sluggishness and lack of appetite, tincture by maceration for three weeks of flowering tops of 20 g and 20 g peppermint in one liter of alcohol at 60 °.
  • It must then be filtered and at 20 drops after meals.

Properties of hyssop that soothe the respiratory tract irritation and coughing are remarkable. Against cough, bronchitis and asthma, can make a syrup with 100 grams of leaves and flowers took 10 minutes in a quart of boiling water.

  • Passing, then add 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • Reduce until a syrup.
  • Hyssop liquefies secretions that clog the airways.
  • It must not be taken in case of dry cough.
  • This plant also acts on the nervous centers of respiration.

What parts of the plant uses do we?

We use the flowering tops of hyssop as well as the leaves harvested when the plant is flowering. They should be dried in the shade before storage in dry paper bags enclosed in jars. The virtues of the plant persist long enough, that are fragrance fades upon drying.

In case of hoarseness must gargle three times daily with an infusion of 80 g of flowering plant set for 5 minutes in a quart of boiling water.

Hyssop is known for a long time to have the same efficiency as the sage . It is renowned as the latter to relieve many ailments.

In case of flatulence can be prepared in a wine hyssop macerate for a week leaving 50 g of flower heads in one liter of white wine.

Asthma can be treated with an infusion of 100 g of dried flowering tops and a liter of boiling water. Bloating due to excessive intestinal gas can be solved by using the action of a carminative infusion of 20 g flowers of hyssop, 10 minutes left in contact with a liter of boiling water. He must drink a cup after meals.


For eyes identified , one can prepare a compress using 50 g of leaves and flowering tops of hyssop, infused 10 min in a liter of water. This is also an effective remedy for bruised eyes.

Hyssop and birch together for a spring cure that detoxifies the body by eliminating toxins. Infuse for 15 minutes to put 20 grams of flowering tops of hyssop and 10 g of birch leaves in a quart of boiling water. Then filter and take 4-6 cups per day for three weeks, including an empty stomach and one at bedtime.

Hyssop is cons-indicated for epilepsy and nervous temperament.Please note that the cough is only a symptom, you should always consult a doctor if cough. There are always behind a cough illness. Plants will relieve the symptom but not cure the cause.


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