Pink, wild rose, satin pale pink satin … seems to apply only to very young girls … But he can make the harmony of a garment graphic Illuminate an evening dress or wearing jeans to the flapper … Pink pill gives the mouth a feigned modesty, but actually it is not so innocent as that and can play many variations …
The very light pink, matte, sometimes with reflections of moon purple , silver is often used by the party designers to give a hand lolita. It blends well with the long evening dresses fluids, striped suits, tailors graphics. We must then focus on a foundation compact beige. For a backspin (30s), harmonize it with smoky eyes and a halo of shadow matte gray or taupe.
The pink pill, barely iridescent feminization a girl in black jacket and jeans or a little “tomboy”. It then focuses on a cream colored golden eyes barely shaded purple-gray very soft, brushed on the lashes mascara black.
The rose petal and Spring “break” the appearance of a fashionable evening dress and gives the face a natural glow and refined. A femme fatale effect, opt for a slightly bluish pink petal. Match your nails oval and tennis preference. Simply tuck your eyes with a pencil light gray makeup and lashes of midnight blue, a softer color than black.
Avoid the blush orange or hot pink with lipstick pink. To make a good face, opt for an antique pink (dusty rose).