Tropical Beach Restaurant

Few things are as memorable as simply sitting down at the table of a tropical beach restaurant in Samui and enjoying a lunch or dinner with your loved one as balmy offshore breezes keep you cool.

It can be both a simple experience as well as an irresistibly indulgent one. Your friends and neighbors might be on the other side of the world, stuck in traffic during a snowstorm while you gaze out at the blue horizon and discuss the waterfall you’ll visit that afternoon.

A great beach restaurant is something to take advantage of by spending as much time as you can in it while you’re enjoying your vacation. It’s a comfortable hang-out spot where you’ll soon get to know the friendly staff and a place to meet for drinks as the sun goes down and talk about the highlights of the day.

Casual Excellence

A great beach restaurant is a place of casual excellence. The beach setting invites you to pull up a chair in shorts and flip-flops after going for an ocean swim moments before.

You might order your favorite 15-year old scotch whisky while keeping an eye on the grill area to see what the fresh catch of the day is. And you might choose a table closest to the beach to watch your kids who refused to tear themselves away from the sandcastle they were building.

Casual excellence means a restaurant that’s used to catering to the wants and needs of a family getting away from all the stress and worries of their daily lives to enjoy life beside the sea for a while. And catering to those wants in an easy and friendly style that enchants the guests and makes them never want to leave.

Focus on Freshness

The best beach restaurants know they’re presenting a special experience for their guests, one they may have dreamed about for months while scraping ice from their windshield back home.

They concentrate on making the experience a quality one by focusing on the freshness of the seafood, the quality of the local ingredients, and the overall presentation of the meal.

Thai cuisine can be an adventure that guests have wanted to try for years. And the best beach restaurants have chefs that specialize in presenting all the flavors that Thai cuisine is known for all over the world.

But to be one of the best beach restaurants in Samui, these restaurants add their own special twists and flavors to ensure the meal is a memorable one in a special location beside the sea.

After the meal, as the kids head off to bed, you and your partner can gaze out at the horizon and appreciate the warmth, beauty and magnificent flavors of Thailand as you plan the family’s activities for tomorrow.

Explore all the food and beverage outlets of the KimptonKitalay Samui, particularly the enchanting seaside ambience of the Fish House Restaurant. Find out why it’s considered one of the best beach restaurants in Samui.

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