Bikinis are something that really transcend seasons and times of year. Whilst jumpers are for winter and t-shirts are for summer, nothing is quite as perennial as your swimwear. Lots of people go away during the holidays at Christmas and probably as many as do at summer, so great bikinis are something you’ll find all year round. However, it is true that summer is when we see designers release their best bikinis, so let’s take a look at some upcoming designs that will be popular not just now but in the warmer months of 2018, you can view some of the best modelled over at UK Swimwear’s bikini range, follow this link.
First off are abstract and retro bikinis. These two words do not always go hand in hand, but the two terms are often interchangeable. It depends what you mean by “retro” of course, but many bikinis are paying homage to the 1980s and to the trend of Art Deco from the ’20s. Both of these old school styles are abstract or heavily geometric and have an abstract appearance to them. This has been a big trend in fashion for a long time, but nothing like it has been in this coming season. Abstract is a very easy to pair with anything, and bikinis and kaftans are usually so complex and colourful that they become rather difficult to pair.
Fashion bikinis are also very popular in hybrid patterns. Animal print with a solid colour block or stripes in unison with Chantilly lace. These mixed and hybrid designs are popular in the world of legwear for many reasons, but the most important two are that they are easy to pair and they are super eye catching. But wait, an easy to pair design with the complexity of an animal print or lace? Yes, actually. It’s because the eye picks up the more versatile and minimalist parts of the design first and foremost, such as the solid colour or the stripes in the examples above, meaning they go with other items almost as well as it they were a solid colour or a striped design altogether. The second reason is these bikinis are eye catching. Whilst the eye picks up the simple designs when you pair them with other simple items, you can’t ignore the exotic and exuberant parts of the design and they always look beautiful.
The third big thing in the world of swimwear and with bikinis in particular right now is exotic and historied designs. That is not necessarily the same as an animal print or nature patterns, also sometimes it is. Some designs from names like Gottex are based on the history of a certain nation for example. Their particular design Cameroon is a leopard print bikini with French lace accents. This is also an example of the hybrid designs that we talked about above, but more subtlety, it is an example of a design with real history behind it. Cameroon was a French colony for some time and the design pays homage to the history of the nation with the lace trim, and the leopard print is of course inspired by the wildlife of the West African nation. Many modern bikinis are designs that you might never imagine would exist, in combination you didn’t think likely, but they are beautiful and imaginative, and they have so much real meaning behind them.
This is what we can expect from fashion bikinis in 2018, so if you want to refresh your wardrobe and get hold of some of the best bikinis around, try retro, hybrid and historical designs and you’ll have some of the most beautiful items in your collection.