The Million Dollar Question About Aging – Genes or Lifestyle?
The most common debate on longevity and aging is whether or not genes and lifestyle play an important role. While some believe that our genetic makeup plays a vital role in our ultimate lifetime experience, others claim that with better nutrition and physical exercise the effects your genes have you can be slowed down, although genes can’t be changed.
As you likely know your body produces various hormones that impact a number of things. This includes your growth, behavior, immune system and even your reproduction system. The knowledge that hormones can play a role is one of the reasons why people will try Bioidentical hormone therapy. Over time, these hormone levels can drop off and when hormone levels are restored, there is a belief that they can help the body to function at once peak levels.
Systems like Bioidentical hormone therapy look at the cells in the body and that these hormones can help to remove some of the waste left behind by cells. This presumed waste build up from cells causes the nerves and muscles to die over time and elements like lipouscin can bind to the fat in the body and over time further deteriorate the functioning of cells.
Collagen which is the body needs to maintain elasticity and is found in bones, tendons, ligaments and skin begins to shrink and become more rigid as we age. As those levels go down, the body is unable to be as resilient after an injury or illness. Also plaguing the body is free radicals that are destroying the healthy cells in your body. They can help to break down oxygen, oxidize your blood and cause destruction to your genetic blueprint. They can even cause cells to start to mutate and this causes cancer and free radicals can also be linked to other serious terminal diseases.
This brings up an important point. Free radicals are attacking your genetics and causing life threatening diseases. These free radicals come from more areas than just your lifestyle. A nonsmoker who eats vegetables, lean proteins and drinks only water can still experience cancer. Thus, the common factor among people is their DNA and as a result, it needs to be protected. While abusing your organs will obviously not help situations, hence the use it or and lose it theory, it is still critical to remember that our genes are playing an important part in things.
As mentioned diet does have some impact on things. If you live a fast life, you are more likely to die younger because you haven’t taken the time to take care of your body. Those who reduce their stress and focus on doing things that make them healthier put less wear and tear on their body. This will ultimately lead to living a longer lifestyle that will allow them to live longer, healthier lives.
While you will hear scientists debate this topic from both ends, there are some simple things you can do to improve your life expectancy and to live a longer, healthier life.
- Reduce your intake of fat, sugars and cholesterol.
- Increase your intake of lean proteins, vegetables and fruits.
- Quit smoking
- Exercise 30 minutes a day
- Drink 8 full glasses of water daily
- Routinely visit your doctor and keep on top of your health
Simple things like this can make all the difference in the world for you. Be proactive when it comes to your health. Problems that are dealt with early on have the potential to be handled without there being serious consequences, rather than waiting for something major to happen and have it possibly be too late.