If you want to keep up your appearance with your hair, nails or other beauty procedures, you need make regular appointments at your salon. Most people don’t go until they absolutely need to have their hair or nails done, but others maintain standing appointments to make sure they look their best at all times. Here are some suggestions for making salon appointments to maintain how your hair, nails and skin look and feel:
Hair Styling Appointments
The frequency with which you book an appointment to have your hair cut or styled will depend on the length and health of your hair and whether you are trying to maintain a certain style. As a general rule, hair should be trimmed every six to eight weeks, but some people may want to go more frequently. For those with hair that goes to the collar bone or is shorter, their hair should be trimmed about every four to six weeks and hair that is longer should be trimmed every six to eight weeks.
The main reason to have your hair trimmed so frequently is to maintain its health. By trimming the hair at regular intervals, it will help to prevent split ends. Split ends can lead to hair breakage, which can move up the shaft and force you to have your hair cut shorter in order to help maintain its beauty.
If you have very short hair, like a buzz cut on the sides or all around your head, you will need to plan on going to the salon every week or two to maintain the style. You can allow your hair to grow out a bit more if you don’t want to go that often, but if your hair grows quickly, that will affect how nice your hairstyle looks.
Hair Colouring Frequency
The frequency to book an appointment for getting your hair coloured will depend on why you are having it done. Some people who are colouring their hair to be stylish may allow their hair to grow out and then have it cut to get rid of the colour if they tire of it. However, if you are trying to hide grey hair or want to maintain your colour by bleaching your hair, you will need regular appointments to maintain colour consistency.
To help hide grey hair, plan to book an appointment every four to six weeks to have the colour touched up. If your grey is resistant to colour or you use an intense colour that is prone to fading, you may have to go more often than every four weeks. For people who bleach their hair, they should plan on getting it touched up about every four to six weeks, or they can have it done as soon as they spot about 2.5 centimetres of new hair growth.
Manicure Appointments
Having your nails done on a regular basis will not only keep them beautiful, but it will also help to strengthen them and keep them looking healthy. Since many manicures also involve hand massages, you will benefit from being more relaxed, as frequent hand massages can help reduce stress, help with chronic pain and even improve some health conditions. The frequency of a manicure will depend on whether you want to keep your nails looking freshly polished and maintain some length.
If you apply topcoat to protect your nails, then you will need to have it touched up every two to three days. If you don’t want the expense of going to the salon that often, you can learn to do the top coat at home. If you want to maintain medium to long nails, you should visit a manicurist every week or two at the most, but for shorter nails, you can wait two to three weeks before visiting the salon.
Pedicure Appointments
You can receive the same benefits from a pedicure that you can from a manicure. In addition, regular pedicures will help to prevent issues with your toenails, such as ingrown nails. Soaking your feet and have them massaged will also aid in relaxation and help relieve aching feet, which can be important if you work at a job at which you are on your feet all day.
Pedicures last longer than manicures because the feet are usually not exposed to the same rough treatment as the hands and the nails don’t grow as fast. You should book a pedicure once every month or two to keep your toenails healthy and trim. If your feet have dry skin or there are calluses on your feet, you may have to go more often, such as two to three times a month.
Booking an Appointment
If you don’t have a standing appointment with your hair salon, you will want to book ahead to make sure you maintain your hair style or are able to get a manicure or pedicure to keep your nails healthy. While you have to call most salons to book an appointment with them, some salons offer bookings over the Internet.
You just have to pull up their website and enter your city or postal code and the type of treatment you wish to have. The system will recommend locations in which to get the procedure you want and you can pick out your regular salon and finalise the appointment online. You can try booking an online appointment in London at this web address: https://www.bookyourlifestyle.com.
If for some reason you cannot keep your appointment, don’t wait until the day of it to cancel. This prevents the salon from being able to rebook the time and can cost them money. Instead, you should give the salon as much notice as you can, but at least 48 hours if possible when you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment.
The guide to knowing when to schedule a beauty treatment will help you maintain how your hair or nails look and help keep them healthier. To help your hair look its best, ask your stylist for care tips you can use between appointments.